Professional Tile & Grout Cleaning and Restoration (Provided by Servais Tile & Stone, Inc.)
Using an ecologically friendly, commercial cleaning system we can clean your tile and grout without the use of any chemicals. Our 100% hypoallergenic method uses steam vapor to safely penetrate surface pores and force debris from every crevice. The low moisture content, super-heated vapor will clean and sanitize any tiled area, killing bacteria, mold and mildew. This method eliminates odors and restores surfaces. Can be performed in commercial, food-service or health-care settings or in residential areas where customers want to know their tile and grout have been cleaned, disinfected and sanitized.
Your Karran quartz sink is produced from the highest quality natural quartz crystals and acrylic resins. With the right care it will last a lifetime. Cleaning and caring for your quartz sink is easy. Simply follow the simple reference guide below.
Luster Pro cleaning oil available from your local dealer or online at Amazon.com, is a specially formulated oil-based cleaning solution. It is perfect for giving your quartz sink that extra shine and sparkle when needed. After thoroughly cleaning and drying, place a small amount (size of a quarter coin) in the bowl and wipe all over the surface of the sink with a cloth. Apply more if needed and use it as often as desired.
Normal impurities
Residue from washing up – Clean your sink with water, a non-abrasive cleaner (liquid dishwashing soap, Bar Keepers Friend, Soft Scrub with bleach), and a cloth, then rinse well and dry. This should be done after every use. Doing this will eliminate water spots and soap film build-up.
Metal abrasions
Created by the day to day use of pots, pans, and cutlery – Use a rub-out sponge (Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge). Follow up by cleaning your sink with water, liquid dishwashing soap, and a cloth, then rinse well and dry.
Limescale stains
Calcium deposits – Use vinegar or a commercial limescale & rust removers such as Lime Away or CLR. With vinegar, dilute 50% with water and let it soak into the affected areas for 20 minutes. Scrub area thoroughly with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge.Rinse thoroughly then dry. With a commercial limescale & rust remover, follow the directions for use on the packaging, then rinse the sink thoroughly and dry.
Stubborn stains
Use a mild abrasive cleaner such as Bar Keeper’s Friend and a soft scouring pad. A diluted bleach solution may also be used. Mix 1 part household bleach with 1 part water and let soak in the sink for 1 hour. scrub area thoroughly with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge then Drain, rinse thoroughly, and dry. Do this whenever necessary.
Never leave soaps, detergents or other cleansers on your sink’s surface to dry. Most contain chlorides and chemicals that could, if left on the sink’s surface, damage it.
Do not soak your sink with solutions of bleach. Bleach, and most soaps and detergents, contain chlorides that will damage your sink if left on the surface for an extended period of time.
Water quality in your area may affect your sinks appearance. When water has a high iron content, it may leave a brown stain on your sink. Over softened water will leave a white film on the sink’s surface. Thorough rinsing and towel drying will help alleviate these issues.
Follow these simple maintenance tips to keep your sink looking its best for years.
Your Karran stainless steel sink is manufactured from the highest quality nickel bearing stainless steel. With the right care it will last a lifetime. All Karran sinks have a lustrous satin finish which is easy to maintain and clean.
- Many cleaners work well with Karran stainless steel sinks. All that is generally required is a simple liquid soap and a dish rag. Some of the cleaners that also work, only if needed, are Bar Keeper’s Friend™, Zud™, Comet™, Flitz™, Soft Scrub™ and Mr. Clean™.
- The most important maintenance requirement for any stainless steel sink is to thoroughly rinse and wipe out the sink after each use with a dish rag or paper towel. Remaining water, food, soap residue and mineral deposits may remain on your sinks surface after use if not rinsed thoroughly, and if left there may mark your sink, requiring more intensive cleaning later.
- When scouring your sink (with a 3M Scotch-Brite™ pad), which may be done periodically only if needed, ensure that you rub in the direction of the satin finish grain lines.
- Do not scour across the satin finish grain lines. This will damage the lustrous satin finish of your sink.
- Never leave soaps, detergents or other cleansers on your sink’s surface to dry. Most contain chlorides and chemicals that could, if left on the sink’s surface, damage it.
- Do not soak your sink with solutions of bleach. Bleach, and most soaps and detergents, contain chlorides that will damage your sink if left on the surface for an extended period of time.
- Do not use steel wool on your sink. Steel wool can break down and leave small steel particles on your sink’s surface that will rust. If aggressive cleaning is needed, use a 3M Scotch-Brite™ pad.
- Do not leave wets sponges and cloths in your sink. They may lead to surface rust.
- Water quality in your area may affect your sinks appearance. When water has a high iron content, it may leave a brown stain on your sink. Over softened water will leave a white film on the sink’s surface. Thorough rinsing and towel drying will help alleviate these issues.
- The use of rubber mats is not recommended as they may cause possible pitting or surface rust. If mats are used, remove them from your sink after each use.
- Stainless steel, like all metallic surfaces, will scratch. These scratches will blend into the overall satin finish of your sink over time. Do not use your sink as a cutting board or chopping block. This type of use may cause deep scratches in the finish of your sink.
Follow these simple maintenance tips to keep your sink looking its best for years.
Your floor is ready for use when you buy it. After installation, your floor may need a thorough cleaning. Don’t use any additional protective products and follow these simple steps:
- Clean your floor regularly.
- Start by removing all dirt and dust with a soft broom or a vacuum cleaner with the correct hard surface attachment – never a rotating brush, floor scrubbers, jet mops, buffers or similar products.
- Then, clean with water and a neutral and appropriate cleaning agent. Do not use aggressive cleaning products, soap, abrasive cleaners or cleaning agents that contain wax or oil. We recommend using a well-rung wet mop or a cloth.
- The use of residential steam mops on this product is allowed. Use at lowest power with a suitable soft pad, and do not hold a steam mop on one spot for an extended period of time (longer than 5 minutes). Refer to the steam mop’s manufacturer instructions for proper usage.
- After washing allow your floor the time to dry.
- Remove stains as soon as possible, with a well-wrung, slightly damp cloth. Worn-in stains are difficult to remove.
- For chocolate, grease, juice and wine stains, use lukewarm water and a non-abrasive cleaner.
- Nail polish, tar, markers, crayon, lipstick, ink and cigarette burns can be removed using nail polish remover or denatured alcohol.
- For candle wax and chewing gum, scrape carefully with a blunt plastic scraper.
- Pet stains (including urine, feces and vomit from domestic cats or dogs) need to be cleaned within 24 hours.
- Avoid bringing dirt, sand, grit and substances such as oil or asphalt indoors by placing non-rubber backed carpets and doormats at all entrances.
- Do not use rubber-backed mats as long-lasting contact with the rubber can cause permanent stains.
- Do not allow cigarettes, matches or other very hot items to get in contact with the floor as this may cause permanent damage.
- Do not drag or slide heavy objects across the floor. When moving appliances or heavy furniture it is always wise to lay a plywood panel, or similar, on your floor and “walk” the item across it. This protects your floor from scuffing, gouging and tears.
- Apply appropriate protection to the legs of the furniture. Do not use colored floor protectors.
- Apply freely rotating, non-rubber wheels to chairs with castors and/or use protective matting.
- Please bear in mind that pets with sharp nails can leave deep scratches on the floor.
A damaged board in the middle of the floor doesn’t require disassembling the whole floor. You can fix it by cutting that single damaged board out and replacing it with a new one. Things you’ll need: pencil, straightedge, plunge saw, cutting blade for soft surfaces, chisel, utility blade/concave knife, premium vinyl adhesive, weights (approximately 90lbs / 40kg).
- Mark damaged board 1-1/2″ / 3.81cm from ends and sides. Drill 3/16″ / 4.76mm holes in corners and at relief cuts.
- Using a concave knife /a utility blade knife / a saw (set saw depth to board thickness) cut along lines and remove center section. Make relief cuts using drilled holes as visible stop.
- Carefully lift and pull center length cut first, then work into corners to remove end pieces last.
- Vacuum the area from any debris and dust.
- Using a concave knife /a utility blade knife / a saw, prepare replacement board by removing bottom of groove on both the short and long sides.
- Apply a thin bead of glue to the edges of the remaining planks on the floor surrounding the plank being replaced.
- Hold the board at a 45-degree angle. Slip the tongue that is still present into the groove at one end of the hole. Gently lower the board into place in the hole.
- Use a rubber mallet and a tapping block to tap the replacement plank into place.
- Be sure not to get any excess glue on the surface of the planks. If some glue does get on surface, wipe it off and clean immediately following glue manufacturer’s instructions.
- Weigh the board down and allow the glue to dry for at least 48 hours.
• The single greatest cause of damage to any flooring or floor finish is abrasion from dirt and grit. Wherever possible, use walk off mats at entrances and doorways, and vacuum mats often.
• Ensure you use non-staining mats on the floor. Rubberbacked and latex-backed mats may stain or damage the surface.
• Use non-staining floor protectors under heavy furniture and equipment.
• Chairs should have clean, smooth, non-staining floor protectors. Ensure there are no nicks or burrs on the protectors. Felt protectors must be cleaned regularly to ensure there is no grit build-up.
• When moving heavy furniture and equipment, use strips of plywood or Masonite to roll or slide the furniture or equipment.
Use standard maintenance industry safety practices and precautions whenever performing maintenance procedures.
Every application and every building can present its own unique set of problems which may require variations in the maintenance procedures. Choose the maintenance option that meets your area of application and maintenance equipment. The following are general guidelines that will cover the majority of applications. If you feel your situation is not covered by these guidelines, please contact Trends in Rigid Floors technical services for advice before beginning your maintenance procedures.
The key to successful maintenance of all flooring types is the removal of dirt and soil. Mopping with a sponge or string mop alone removes very little soil, but rather it dissolves the dirt and spreads it out evenly across the floor creating a dull, dirty film.
Trends in Rigid recommends the use of micro-fiber mops and pads for dust mopping and scrubbing. Using an automatic scrubber or wet vacuum is the preferred way to remove soiled water and rinse water.
Note: On fully adhered products, do not begin initial maintenance for a minimum of 72 hours after installation is complete. This is to assure the adhesive has had sufficient time to dry and cure.
• Remove all surface soil, dirt, sand and grit by vacuuming or dust mopping.
• Scrub the floor with a neutral pH detergent such as; Hilway Direct “Neutral Cleaner”.
• Scrub the floor with rotary scrubber with a red scrubbing pad or automatic scrubber with red scrubbing pads.
• Pick up solution with a wet vacuum, rinse with clean water, allow to dry
Note: Trends in Rigid does not require a floor finish to be applied, however, a floor finish may be desirable to aid in daily maintenance, stain resistance, resistance to abrasion and maintain gloss level. Essentially, a floor finish is a sacrificial wear layer. If you choose not to apply a finish than the spray buffing system should be utilized as needed. Over time floors will begin to loose their luster and require an application of polish.
If a floor finish is desired:
• Choose a Matte, Satin or Gloss shine.
• Apply 2-3 thin coats of high quality floor finish such as Hilway Direct ’Matte’ or ‘Satin’ or ‘Gloss’ floor finish
• Apply with a clean finish applicator.
Allow proper drying time between each coat.
Note: The higher the gloss level the more apparent will be subfloor imperfections, scratches, stains etc, and the more costly it will be to maintain a high gloss. In healthcare applications a high gloss can also have a negative effect on elderly patients. Multiple coats of high gloss may give your natural looking flooring a ‘plastic’ appearance. Trends in Rigid Floors recommends the use of Matte or Satin shines.
Vacuum or dust mop with a micro-fiber mop to remove all surface soil, sand and grit.
Damp mop to remove surface soil using a micro-fiber mop and neutral pH cleaner such as Hilway Direct ‘Neutral Cleaner’.
As Needed
Option 1 – Spray Buff System
Spray Clean/Buff using a rotary buffing machine (175- 350 rpm) with a red pad and a spray buff solution such as Diversey Snapback.
Option 2 – Wet Scrubbing
• Scrub or mop with neutral pH detergent such as Hilway Direct ’Neutral Cleaner’ or equivalent.
• Apply cleaning solution with a mop and bucket (do not flood the floor, use as little water as possible) and scrub using a rotary scrubber with scrubbing pad or use automatic scrubber with scrubbing pad.
• Pick up solution with a wet vac.
• Rinse with clean water. Scrub and Recoat (as needed if floor finish has been applied)
• Vacuum or dust mop to remove loose soil and debris.
• Using a rotary scrubber or automatic scrubber do a heavy scrub with a red scrubbing pad and a double strength of neutral pH detergent such as Hilway
• Direct ‘Neutral Cleaner’.
• Pick up solution with a wet vacuum.
• Rinse with clean water and allow to thoroughly dry.
• Apply 1-2 thin coats of floor finish such as Hilway Direct ’Matte’ or ‘Satin’ or
• ‘Gloss’ floor finish or equivalent.
• Apply with a clean finish applicator
• Allow proper drying time between each coat